
class polaris.network.transit.transit_elements.Stop(agency_id: int)#

Bases: BasicPTElement

Transit stop as read from the GTFS feed

GTFS class members:

  • stop (str): Stop corresponds to stop_id as read from the GTFS feed prefixed with the agency ID prefix

  • stop_code (str): Stop code as read from the GTFS feed

  • stop_name (str): Stop name as read from the GTFS feed

  • stop_desc (str): Stop description as read from the GTFS feed

  • stop_lat (float): Stop latitude as read from the GTFS feed

  • stop_lon (float): Stop longitude as read from the GTFS feed

  • stop_street (str): Stop street as read from the GTFS feed

  • zone_id (str): Transit Zone ID as read from the GTFS feed

  • stop_url (str): Stop URL as read from the GTFS feed

  • location_type (int): Stop location type as read from the GTFS feed

  • parent_station (str): Stop parent station as read from the GTFS feed

  • stop_timezone (str): Stop Time Zone as read from the GTFS feed

  • wheelchair_boarding (int): Stop wheelchair boarding flag as read from the GTFS feed

Processing class members:

  • stop_id (int): Stop ID is a integer that will be used as the unique identifier for the stop in the database

  • stop (str): Stop ID as read from the GTFS feed prefixed with the agency ID prefix

  • taz (str): Model Zone number (geo-tagged)

  • agency (str): Agency name

  • has_parking (int): Flag to identify if stop has parking available

  • srid (int): Database SRID

  • geo (Point): Point object corresponding to the provided Latitude/Longitude

  • route_type (int): Route type of the routes associated with this stop

__init__(agency_id: int)#



from_database(conn, stop_id)



populate(record, headers)

save_to_database(conn[, commit])

Saves Transit Stop to the database


__init__(agency_id: int)#
populate(record: tuple, headers: list) None#
save_to_database(conn: Connection, commit=True)#

Saves Transit Stop to the database

from_database(conn: Connection, stop_id)#
property data: list#