Analyzing traffic convergence#

On this example we show how to use analyze traffic convergence for different segments of the results


from pathlib import Path

import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from polaris.analyze.path_metrics import PathMetrics
from polaris.analyze.result_kpis import ResultKPIs
from import DataTableCache
from polaris.runs.convergence.convergence_iteration import ConvergenceIteration
from polaris.runs.scenario_compression import ScenarioCompression
from polaris.runs.scenario_utils import get_last_iteration

Data Sources#

Open the demand database for analysis

project_dir = Path("/tmp/Bloomington")
iteration_folder = get_last_iteration(project_dir)
supply_db = ScenarioCompression.maybe_extract(Path(iteration_folder) / "Bloomington-Supply.sqlite")

zones = DataTableCache(supply_db).plotting_layer("Zone")
links = DataTableCache(supply_db).plotting_layer("Link")

Data retrieval#

last_iter = ConvergenceIteration.from_dir(iteration_folder)
kpis = ResultKPIs.from_iteration(last_iter)

Plotting aggregate results#

def chart_metric(df, metric: str, axis=None):

df = kpis.m_etric_traffic_cumulative_gap()

fig, axis = plt.subplots(2, 2)
all_axis = [axis[0, 0], axis[0, 1], axis[1, 0], axis[1, 1]]
for metric, ax in zip(df.metric.unique(), all_axis):
    df_ = df[df.metric == metric]
    df_ = df_.dropna(axis=1, how="any").sort_values(by="Trip end minute")
    chart_metric(df_, metric, ax)

# Combine all the operations and display
By artificial trip, Traffic mode

Cummulative charts#

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

cumm_links = gap_per_link.sort_values(by=["absolute_gap"], ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
cumm_links = cumm_links.assign(cummulative_relative_gap=cumm_links.absolute_gap.cumsum())
cumm_links.cummulative_relative_gap /= cumm_links.cummulative_relative_gap.max()

plt.xlabel("link count")
plot convergence analysis
Text(0.5, 23.52222222222222, 'link count')

And map them#

    "REFERENCE: And below we map links and zones according to gaps. The maps should look like this, "
    "but will need formatting"
REFERENCE: And below we map links and zones according to gaps. The maps should look like this, but will need formatting
map_zone_config = {
    "version": "v1",
    "config": {
        "visState": {
            "filters": [],
            "layers": [
                    "id": "z0w117",
                    "type": "geojson",
                    "config": {
                        "dataId": "Total gaps",
                        "label": "Total gaps",
                        "color": [34, 63, 154],
                        "highlightColor": [252, 242, 26, 255],
                        "columns": {"geojson": "geometry"},
                        "isVisible": True,
                        "visConfig": {
                            "opacity": 0.8,
                            "strokeOpacity": 0.8,
                            "thickness": 0.1,
                            "strokeColor": [221, 212, 205],
                            "colorRange": {
                                "name": "Uber Viz Diverging 1.5",
                                "type": "diverging",
                                "category": "Uber",
                                "colors": ["#00939C", "#5DBABF", "#BAE1E2", "#F8C0AA", "#DD7755", "#C22E00"],
                            "strokeColorRange": {
                                "name": "Global Warming",
                                "type": "sequential",
                                "category": "Uber",
                                "colors": ["#5A1846", "#900C3F", "#C70039", "#E3611C", "#F1920E", "#FFC300"],
                            "radius": 10,
                            "sizeRange": [0, 10],
                            "radiusRange": [0, 50],
                            "heightRange": [0, 500],
                            "elevationScale": 27.8,
                            "enableElevationZoomFactor": True,
                            "stroked": True,
                            "filled": True,
                            "enable3d": True,
                            "wireframe": False,
                        "hidden": False,
                        "textLabel": [
                                "field": None,
                                "color": [255, 255, 255],
                                "size": 18,
                                "offset": [0, 0],
                                "anchor": "start",
                                "alignment": "center",
                    "visualChannels": {
                        "colorField": {"name": "absolute_gap", "type": "integer"},
                        "colorScale": "quantile",
                        "strokeColorField": None,
                        "strokeColorScale": "quantile",
                        "sizeField": None,
                        "sizeScale": "linear",
                        "heightField": {"name": "relative_gap", "type": "real"},
                        "heightScale": "linear",
                        "radiusField": None,
                        "radiusScale": "linear",
            "interactionConfig": {
                "tooltip": {
                    "fieldsToShow": {
                        "Total gaps": [
                            {"name": "zone", "format": None},
                            {"name": "absolute_gap", "format": None},
                            {"name": "relative_gap", "format": ".1%"},
                    "compareMode": False,
                    "compareType": "absolute",
                    "enabled": True,
                "brush": {"size": 0.5, "enabled": False},
                "geocoder": {"enabled": False},
                "coordinate": {"enabled": False},
            "layerBlending": "normal",
            "splitMaps": [],
            "animationConfig": {"currentTime": None, "speed": 1},
        "mapState": {
            "bearing": 24,
            "dragRotate": True,
            "latitude": map_center[1],
            "longitude": map_center[0],
            "pitch": 50,
            "zoom": 9.096117833833905,
            "isSplit": False,
        "mapStyle": {
            "styleType": "muted",
            "topLayerGroups": {},
            "visibleLayerGroups": {
                "label": True,
                "road": False,
                "border": False,
                "building": True,
                "water": True,
                "land": True,
                "3d building": False,
            "threeDBuildingColor": [224.4071295378559, 224.4071295378559, 224.4071295378559],
            "mapStyles": {},
from keplergl import KeplerGl

map1 = KeplerGl(height=900, data={"Total gaps": plot_zone_layer}, config=map_zone_config)

User Guide:

KeplerGl(config={'version': 'v1', 'config': {'visState': {'filters': [], 'layers': [{'id': 'z0w117', 'type': 'geojson', 'config': {'dataId': 'Total gaps', 'label': 'Total gaps', 'color': [34, 63, 154], 'highlightColor': [252, 242, 26, 255], 'columns': {'geojson': 'geometry'}, 'isVisible': True, 'visConfig': {'opacity': 0.8, 'strokeOpacity': 0.8, 'thickness': 0.1, 'strokeColor': [221, 212, 205], 'colorRange': {'name': 'Uber Viz Diverging 1.5', 'type': 'diverging', 'category': 'Uber', 'colors': ['#00939C', '#5DBABF', '#BAE1E2', '#F8C0AA', '#DD7755', '#C22E00']}, 'strokeColorRange': {'name': 'Global Warming', 'type': 'sequential', 'category': 'Uber', 'colors': ['#5A1846', '#900C3F', '#C70039', '#E3611C', '#F1920E', '#FFC300']}, 'radius': 10, 'sizeRange': [0, 10], 'radiusRange': [0, 50], 'heightRange': [0, 500], 'elevationScale': 27.8, 'enableElevationZoomFactor': True, 'stroked': True, 'filled': True, 'enable3d': True, 'wireframe': False}, 'hidden': False, 'textLabel': [{'field': None, 'color': [255, 255, 255], 'size': 18, 'offset': [0, 0], 'anchor': 'start', 'alignment': 'center'}]}, 'visualChannels': {'colorField': {'name': 'absolute_gap', 'type': 'integer'}, 'colorScale': 'quantile', 'strokeColorField': None, 'strokeColorScale': 'quantile', 'sizeField': None, 'sizeScale': 'linear', 'heightField': {'name': 'relative_gap', 'type': 'real'}, 'heightScale': 'linear', 'radiusField': None, 'radiusScale': 'linear'}}], 'interactionConfig': {'tooltip': {'fieldsToShow': {'Total gaps': [{'name': 'zone', 'format': None}, {'name': 'absolute_gap', 'format': None}, {'name': 'relative_gap', 'format': '.1%'}]}, 'compareMode': False, 'compareType': 'absolute', 'enabled': True}, 'brush': {'size': 0.5, 'enabled': False}, 'geocoder': {'enabled': False}, 'coordinate': {'enabled': False}}, 'layerBlending': 'normal', 'splitMaps': [], 'animationConfig': {'currentTime': None, 'speed': 1}}, 'mapState': {'bearing': 24, 'dragRotate': True, 'latitude': 40.49083374959828, 'longitude': -88.97889575473327, 'pitch': 50, 'zoom': 9.096117833833905, 'isSplit': False}, 'mapStyle': {'styleType': 'muted', 'topLayerGroups': {}, 'visibleLayerGroups': {'label': True, 'road': False, 'border': False, 'building': True, 'water': True, 'land': True, '3d building': False}, 'threeDBuildingColor': [224.4071295378559, 224.4071295378559, 224.4071295378559], 'mapStyles': {}}}}, data={'Total gaps':      zone  ...  absolute_gap
0      11  ...       245.927
1      22  ...       139.038
2      25  ...       213.370
3      27  ...       177.155
4      28  ...       219.256
..    ...  ...           ...
179   287  ...      2156.278
180   292  ...      2826.445
181   293  ...      3565.547
182   296  ...      1207.847
183   297  ...      1515.113

[184 rows x 32 columns]}, height=900)
link_config = {
    "version": "v1",
    "config": {
        "visState": {
            "filters": [],
            "layers": [
                    "id": "xiykhj",
                    "type": "geojson",
                    "config": {
                        "dataId": "Total gaps",
                        "label": "Total gaps",
                        "color": [248, 149, 112],
                        "highlightColor": [252, 242, 26, 255],
                        "columns": {"geojson": "geometry"},
                        "isVisible": True,
                        "visConfig": {
                            "opacity": 0.8,
                            "strokeOpacity": 1,
                            "thickness": 0.5,
                            "strokeColor": None,
                            "colorRange": {
                                "name": "Global Warming",
                                "type": "sequential",
                                "category": "Uber",
                                "colors": ["#5A1846", "#900C3F", "#C70039", "#E3611C", "#F1920E", "#FFC300"],
                            "strokeColorRange": {
                                "name": "Uber Viz Diverging 3.5",
                                "type": "diverging",
                                "category": "Uber",
                                "colors": [
                            "radius": 10,
                            "sizeRange": [0.2, 20],
                            "radiusRange": [0, 50],
                            "heightRange": [0, 500],
                            "elevationScale": 5,
                            "enableElevationZoomFactor": True,
                            "stroked": True,
                            "filled": False,
                            "enable3d": False,
                            "wireframe": False,
                        "hidden": False,
                        "textLabel": [
                                "field": None,
                                "color": [255, 255, 255],
                                "size": 18,
                                "offset": [0, 0],
                                "anchor": "start",
                                "alignment": "center",
                    "visualChannels": {
                        "colorField": None,
                        "colorScale": "quantile",
                        "strokeColorField": {"name": "absolute_gap", "type": "integer"},
                        "strokeColorScale": "quantile",
                        "sizeField": {"name": "absolute_gap", "type": "integer"},
                        "sizeScale": "linear",
                        "heightField": None,
                        "heightScale": "linear",
                        "radiusField": None,
                        "radiusScale": "linear",
            "interactionConfig": {
                "tooltip": {
                    "fieldsToShow": {
                        "Total gaps": [{"name": "link", "format": None}, {"name": "absolute_gap", "format": None}]
                    "compareMode": False,
                    "compareType": "absolute",
                    "enabled": True,
                "brush": {"size": 0.5, "enabled": False},
                "geocoder": {"enabled": False},
                "coordinate": {"enabled": False},
            "layerBlending": "normal",
            "splitMaps": [],
            "animationConfig": {"currentTime": None, "speed": 1},
        "mapState": {
            "bearing": 0,
            "dragRotate": False,
            "latitude": map_center[1],
            "longitude": map_center[0],
            "pitch": 0,
            "zoom": 8.42575627208353,
            "isSplit": False,
        "mapStyle": {
            "styleType": "muted",
            "topLayerGroups": {},
            "visibleLayerGroups": {
                "label": False,
                "road": False,
                "border": False,
                "building": True,
                "water": True,
                "land": True,
                "3d building": False,
            "threeDBuildingColor": [224.4071295378559, 224.4071295378559, 224.4071295378559],
            "mapStyles": {},
from keplergl import KeplerGl

map2 = KeplerGl(height=900, data={"Total gaps": plot_link_layer}, config=link_config)

User Guide:

KeplerGl(config={'version': 'v1', 'config': {'visState': {'filters': [], 'layers': [{'id': 'xiykhj', 'type': 'geojson', 'config': {'dataId': 'Total gaps', 'label': 'Total gaps', 'color': [248, 149, 112], 'highlightColor': [252, 242, 26, 255], 'columns': {'geojson': 'geometry'}, 'isVisible': True, 'visConfig': {'opacity': 0.8, 'strokeOpacity': 1, 'thickness': 0.5, 'strokeColor': None, 'colorRange': {'name': 'Global Warming', 'type': 'sequential', 'category': 'Uber', 'colors': ['#5A1846', '#900C3F', '#C70039', '#E3611C', '#F1920E', '#FFC300']}, 'strokeColorRange': {'name': 'Uber Viz Diverging 3.5', 'type': 'diverging', 'category': 'Uber', 'colors': ['#00939C', '#2FA7AE', '#5DBABF', '#8CCED1', '#BAE1E2', '#F8C0AA', '#EB9C80', '#DD7755', '#D0532B', '#C22E00']}, 'radius': 10, 'sizeRange': [0.2, 20], 'radiusRange': [0, 50], 'heightRange': [0, 500], 'elevationScale': 5, 'enableElevationZoomFactor': True, 'stroked': True, 'filled': False, 'enable3d': False, 'wireframe': False}, 'hidden': False, 'textLabel': [{'field': None, 'color': [255, 255, 255], 'size': 18, 'offset': [0, 0], 'anchor': 'start', 'alignment': 'center'}]}, 'visualChannels': {'colorField': None, 'colorScale': 'quantile', 'strokeColorField': {'name': 'absolute_gap', 'type': 'integer'}, 'strokeColorScale': 'quantile', 'sizeField': {'name': 'absolute_gap', 'type': 'integer'}, 'sizeScale': 'linear', 'heightField': None, 'heightScale': 'linear', 'radiusField': None, 'radiusScale': 'linear'}}], 'interactionConfig': {'tooltip': {'fieldsToShow': {'Total gaps': [{'name': 'link', 'format': None}, {'name': 'absolute_gap', 'format': None}]}, 'compareMode': False, 'compareType': 'absolute', 'enabled': True}, 'brush': {'size': 0.5, 'enabled': False}, 'geocoder': {'enabled': False}, 'coordinate': {'enabled': False}}, 'layerBlending': 'normal', 'splitMaps': [], 'animationConfig': {'currentTime': None, 'speed': 1}}, 'mapState': {'bearing': 0, 'dragRotate': False, 'latitude': 40.49083374959828, 'longitude': -88.97889575473327, 'pitch': 0, 'zoom': 8.42575627208353, 'isSplit': False}, 'mapStyle': {'styleType': 'muted', 'topLayerGroups': {}, 'visibleLayerGroups': {'label': False, 'road': False, 'border': False, 'building': True, 'water': True, 'land': True, '3d building': False}, 'threeDBuildingColor': [224.4071295378559, 224.4071295378559, 224.4071295378559], 'mapStyles': {}}}}, data={'Total gaps':       link                 name  ...  link_id  absolute_gap
0        4       Landmark Drive  ...      4.0        60.000
1        6       Landmark Drive  ...      6.0        58.011
2       10       Mecherle Drive  ...      NaN         0.000
3       11       Mecherle Drive  ...      NaN         0.000
4       12       Mecherle Drive  ...     12.0         7.984
...    ...                  ...  ...      ...           ...
4522  5993  Brigham School Road  ...   5993.0         0.000
4523  5994    South Main Street  ...   5994.0        11.581
4524  5995    South Main Street  ...   5995.0         6.269
4525  5996    South Main Street  ...   5996.0         2.622
4526  5997    South Main Street  ...   5997.0        20.580

[4527 rows x 23 columns]}, height=900)

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 2.134 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery