Simplifying networks

Simplifying networks#

In this example we show how to perform topological simplification on a network.

This process changes the data in place, so we recommend working on a copy of your model, as done below.

import shutil
from pathlib import Path

import folium

from polaris import Polaris

sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_path = ‘../../examples/editing_models/simplification.gif’

original_model = Path("/tmp/Grid")
target = original_model.parent / "simplified_grid"

shutil.copytree(original_model, target, dirs_exist_ok=True)

A little function to plot the network, which we will use a few times

def make_map(network):
    links = network.data_tables.get_geo_layer("Link")
    nodes = network.data_tables.get_geo_layer("Node")

    map = links.explore(color="black", style_kwds={"weight": 1}, tool_tip="link_type", name="links")
    map = nodes.explore(m=map, color="red", style_kwds={"radius": 3, "fillOpacity": 1.0}, name="nodes")
    folium.LayerControl().add_to(map)  # Add a layer control button to our map
    return map

Let’s plot the network we have to begin with

network = Polaris.from_dir(target).network
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

Now let’s simplify the network

# Let's allow links to be a maximum of 2000 meters long
# And we will merge links if they have up to 5% difference in speed
# The recommended maximum length is 1,000, but we are using 100,000 here for illustration purposes, max_speed_ratio=1.05, rebuild_network=False)

# What happened to the network after this simplification?
/builds/polaris/code/polarislib/polaris/network/tools/ UserWarning: This will alter your database in place. Make sure you have a backup.
  warnings.warn("This will alter your database in place. Make sure you have a backup.")
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

We can also delete links and collapse them into nodes For this operation, we just choose an arbitrary link to delete here[838], rebuild_network=False)

# What happened to the network after this deletion?
/builds/polaris/code/polarislib/polaris/network/tools/ UserWarning: This will alter your database in place. Make sure you have a backup.
  warnings.warn("This will alter your database in place. Make sure you have a backup.")
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

Now we can close the network


Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 7.998 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery