
Building Models#

Examples illustrating a series of workflows used for building models from scratch or from data exported from other models.

Building a model from GMNS

Building a model from GMNS

Editing Public Transport Route System

Editing Public Transport Route System

Creation of locations from OSM data

Creation of locations from OSM data

Preparing Inputs#

Examples illustrating a series of workflows used for preparing model inputs, useful when building new models and when preparing forecasts.

Redistributing fleets based on new control totals

Redistributing fleets based on new control totals

Working with existing models#

Notebooks showing how to work with existing models

Restoring from version control

Restoring from version control

Compares two models

Compares two models

Migrate (update) databases

Migrate (update) databases

Manipulating Skim matrices

Manipulating Skim matrices

Computing paths over the network

Computing paths over the network

Running models#

Notebooks showing how to prepare and run a model.

Running a model

Running a model

Running a model on EQSQL

Running a model on EQSQL

Result Analysis#

Procedures to analyse results and visualize model input and results

Demand charting interface

Demand charting interface

Analysing Population Synthesis

Analysing Population Synthesis

Comparing Model Ouputs

Comparing Model Ouputs

Analyzing Demand Convergence

Analyzing Demand Convergence

Zone Mapping

Zone Mapping

Analyzing traffic convergence

Analyzing traffic convergence

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