Building Models#
Examples illustrating a series of workflows used for building models from scratch or from data exported from other models.
Editing Models#
Examples illustrating a series of workflows used for editing models in place.
Preparing Inputs#
Examples illustrating a series of workflows used for preparing model inputs, useful when building new models and when preparing forecasts.
Working with existing models#
Notebooks showing how to work with existing models
Running models#
Notebooks showing how to prepare and run a model.
Result Analysis#
Procedures to analyse results and visualize model input and results
Modelling like in the old days#
Notebooks showing how to transform Polaris inputs and outputs into traditional modelling formats such as demand matrices and hourly link loads.
There are also examples on how to perform quick back-of-the-envelop static traffic assignment using the Polaris demand and network using AequilibraE.