

The polaris-studio package is the Python gateway for all things Polaris

The package consists of three main components, each of which can be used independently from the others.

  • Data Model: This has two main uses/goals

    1. Implement a well defined standard for the data models of the POLARIS Supply and Demand databases.

    2. Provide easy-to-use tools for the creation, management and manipulation of existing Polaris input databases (especially the network database).

  • Run: Tooling for running POLARIS models and implementing iterative convergence loops using arbitrary study specific logic.

  • Analyze: Allows to generate a range of metrics involving both the supply, demand and results databases

A brief overview of some of the features of running and analyzing models can be found in the following video.



This package’s evolution goes hand-in-hand with Polaris own evolution, and if you installed polaris-studio using pip will include a compatible version of the POLARIS binaries. If you are using this package with a custom compiled version of POLARIS it is recommended that you directly clone the repository so that you can resolve any incompatibilities with your POLARIS executable and the defined data model.