Go to the end to download the full example code.
Static Traffic Assignment#
We can also perform static traffic assignment using Open-Source libraries for back-of-the-envelop analysis during debugging efforts
Exporting matrices#
sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_path = ‘../../examples/modelling_like_the_old_days/sta_results.png’
from pathlib import Path
from polaris.analyze.trip_metrics import TripMetrics
from polaris.runs.convergence.convergence_iteration import ConvergenceIteration
from polaris.runs.static_skimmer.static_assign import static_assignment
from polaris.runs.static_skimmer.static_graph import build_graph
We get the demand matrices for the AM peak for one iteration
project_dir = Path("/tmp/Bloomington")
supply_pth = project_dir / "Bloomington-Supply.sqlite"
iteration_3 = ConvergenceIteration.from_dir(project_dir / "Bloomington_iteration_3")
tm3 = TripMetrics(supply_pth, iteration_3.files.demand_db)
# Let's say that one afternoon peak hour is from 16:45AM to 17:45AM, so we egt trips starting during that time
matrix = tm3.vehicle_trip_matrix(from_start_time=16.75 * 3600, to_start_time=17.75 * 3600)
# This matrix has multiple vehicle types, and we could separate them to make sure we observe
# link type constraints, but that shouldn't be needed in a back-of-the-envelope exercise
# Instead, we will just multiply the PCEs for each matrix to the matrices themselves
pces = {"SOV_0": 1.0, "TAXI_9": 1.0, "MD_TRUCK_17": 2.5, "HD_TRUCK_18": 4.0, "BPLATE_19": 2.0, "LD_TRUCK_20": 1.8}
for i, mat in enumerate(matrix.names):
matrix.matrices[:, :, i] *= pces[mat]
We build an AequilibraE graph using the underlying Polaris supply model
This procedure asserts some things about the links so we can get everything we need for a static traffic assignment Assumptions are made about (HOURLY) capacities and centroid connector placements
graph = build_graph(supply_pth)
One can see the results of these assumptions in the graph object
We perform traffic assignment and skimming using the AequilibraE library
We can load the assignment parameters from the default values and change them
from polaris.runs.static_skimmer.static_skimmer_inputs import STAInputs
sta_pars = STAInputs()
# Not sure why somewhat would want msa over bi-conjugate Frank-Wolfe, but...
sta_pars.assignment_algorithm = "msa"
sta_pars.max_iterations = 10
sta_pars.rgap = 0.01
# By default assignment uses BPR, but we can change the parameters
sta_pars.bpr_alpha = 0.14
sta_pars.bpr_beta = 3.9
No turning constraints are observed in this assignment
assig = static_assignment(graph, matrix, sta_pars)
combined : 0%| | 0/185 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Equilibrium Assignment : 0%| | 0/10 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Then we can see the results
link_loads = assig.results()
And get the skims
assig_class = assig.classes[0]
skim = assig_class.results.skims
# And show some elements
skim.time[:10, :10]
array([[ 0. , 10.72950249, 11.07650937, 3.05909778, 9.57554742,
12.06349172, 7.45321222, 8.54191182, 19.00137716, 17.17614961],
[ 9.97593559, 0. , 6.81602216, 7.99665223, 9.55058381,
4.37169649, 3.95329687, 2.60309435, 10.99233268, 8.77710246],
[ 6.2015449 , 5.90085046, 0. , 4.22226153, 5.40048564,
8.0113307 , 5.20197456, 6.24272855, 12.61893152, 10.40370131],
[ 3.1533169 , 8.84443826, 9.19144513, 0. , 7.69048318,
10.17842749, 5.56814799, 6.65684759, 17.11631293, 15.29108538],
[15.03529763, 13.62302879, 15.73520033, 13.05601427, 0. ,
15.73350903, 14.0357273 , 13.96490689, 20.34110986, 18.12587964],
[ 9.07376223, 6.63178138, 3.44753765, 7.09447887, 8.27270297,
0. , 8.07419189, 6.97365948, 13.34986245, 11.13463223],
[ 7.54855131, 4.80202182, 8.42934015, 5.56926795, 7.14880055,
6.13601105, 0. , 2.4750703 , 13.46389915, 11.24866894],
[ 8.62781675, 3.44962088, 7.22793578, 6.64853339, 8.22806599,
4.78361011, 2.47287189, 0. , 12.11149821, 9.896268 ],
[12.74129896, 6.00670621, 8.47543579, 10.76201559, 12.31594718,
6.03111012, 6.71866024, 5.36845771, 0. , 7.86615438],
[18.87815539, 12.59831288, 15.06704246, 16.89887203, 15.19508285,
12.62271679, 13.31026691, 11.96006438, 10.08607497, 0. ]])
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.407 seconds)