- class polaris.analyze.kpi_comparator.KpiComparator#
This class provides an easy way to group together multiple runs of POLARIS and compare their outputs. Runs KPIs are added along with a string based name which is used as the label for that run in any subsequent plots which are generated.
from polaris.analyze.kpi_comparator import KpiComparator results = KpiComparator() results.add_run(ResultKPIs.from_iteration(ref_project_dir / f"{city}_iteration_2"), 'REF_iteration_2') results.add_run(ResultKPIs.from_iteration(eval_project_dir / f"{city}_iteration_2"), 'EVAL_iteration_2')
Metric comparison plots can then be generated in a notebook using:
results.plot_mode_share() results.plot_vmt() results.plot_vmt_by_link_type()
Any number of runs can be added using add_run up to the limit of readability on the generated plots.
The object can also be used to generate a set of csv files for input into Excel (if you really have to use Excel):
results.dump_to_csvs(output_dir = "my_csv_dump_dir")
- __init__()#
- __init__()#
- add_run(kpi: ResultKPIs, run_id: str)#
- has_run(run_id)#
- dump_to_csvs(output_dir, metrics_to_dump=None, **kwargs)#
- plot_everything(**kwargs)#
- classmethod available_plots()#
- plot_population(**kwargs)#
- plot_congestion_pricing(**kwargs)#
- plot_transit(**kwargs)#
- add_iter(x)#
- across_iterations(cols, **kwargs)#
- plot_act_dist(act_type: str | None = None, **kwargs)#
- plot_vmt(**kwargs)#
- plot_vehicle_connectivity(**kwargs)#
- plot_vmt_by_link_type(**kwargs)#
- plot_fundamental_diagram(**kwargs)#
- plot_gaps(type='defult', **kwargs)#
- static plot_multiple_gaps(kpi_results)#
- plot_congestion_removal(**kwargs)#
- plot_trips_with_path(**kwargs)#
- plot_pax_in_network(**kwargs)#
- plot_veh_in_network(**kwargs)#
- plot_freight_in_network(**kwargs)#
- plot_cpu_mem(**kwargs)#
- plot_polaris_exe(**kwargs)#
- plot_network_gaps(**kwargs)#
- plot_skim_stats(show_min_max=False, **kwargs)#
- plot_trip_length_distributions(max_dist=None, **kwargs)#
- plot_activity_start_time_distributions(**kwargs)#
- plot_tnc(**kwargs)#
- plot_rmse_vs_observed(**kwargs)#
- plot_calibration_for_activity_generation(**kwargs)#
- plot_calibration_for_boardings(**kwargs)#
- plot_validation_for_speeds(**kwargs)#
- plot_calibration_timing(**kwargs)#
- plot_calibration_destination(**kwargs)#
- plot_count_validation(**kwargs)#