The Demand submodule of polaris-studio uses the same database management layer as the Supply module but is significantly less sophisticated in terms of its capabilities for manipulation of the database and for ensuring consistency. This is because, in general, the demand database is generated and populated by the POLARIS simulation and the main interactions the user will have with the Demand database are to extract data from it.
The Demand class provides the same high-level interface to this file as the Supply module:
Data Model#
Demand data is stored in an SQLite database called “ModelName-Demand.sqlite”. This section will document the structure and purpose of the tables in that database.
A few conventions have been adopted in the definition of the data model and some are listed below:
Geometry field is always called geo
Projection is always planar and in meters
Tables required by the data model have capital first letter
Pure data tables#
- vintage type table structure
- vehicle type table structure
- vehicle class table structure
- vehicle table structure
- trip table structure
- traveler table structure
- transit vehicle links table structure
- transit vehicle table structure
- tnc trip table structure
- tnc servicing table structure
- tnc request table structure
- selection table structure
- powertrain type table structure
- planned activity table structure
- plan table structure
- person gaps table structure
- person table structure
- parking records table structure
- mode table structure
- mm trip table structure
- migrations table structure
- household table structure
- fuel type table structure
- fleet table structure
- ev features table structure
- ev charging table structure
- connectivity type table structure
- automation type table structure
- activity type table structure
- activity table structure
- about model table structure