Building Dependencies from source#

The polaris dependencies are managed via a separate repository to the main code base. The url for this is

After cloning the repo you should be able to build all required dependencies with the following command (assuming python is available and is 3.7+):

python -m pip install distro GitPython
python ./  [-c <COMPILER>] [-d <TARGET_DIR>] [-v] [-p]

The flags for the build script are as follows:

-c  - the compiler to use [default gcc or msvc-16.0]
-d <deps_dir> - the directory into which dependencies will be build [default /opt/polaris/deps or c:\opt\polaris\deps]
-v            - verbose mode - shows the output of the compilation even if it succeeds [default false]
-p            - produce a packaged .tar.gz of the entire deps dir (i.e. /opt/polaris/deps/gcc-10.3.0.tar.gz) [default false]

This above workflow is tested via CI tests on every change to the repo for Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04 using both gcc 10.3/10.4 and clang.

Building on Bebop/Crossover#

When building on HPC clusters, some additional effort may be required to ensure that all dependencies are available.

  1. Bebop requires that the GMP library is loaded (module load gmp/6.1.2-v5tqli4)

  2. Bebop and Crossover will not be able to download pre-packaged binaries of HDF5, so this can be allowed to fail as long as the hdf5 library is loaded (module load hdf5/1.12.0) when compiling POLARIS.

  3. Other clusters may also require a set of MPI headers to be available (module load mpi or module load mpich)

Building on CentOS/RHEL/RockyLinux#

The following instructions were used to compile dependencies on RockyLinux 8. They are included here for reference:

sudo yum install gcc-toolset-10 cmake 
scl enable gcc-toolset-10 bash

# Install GCC plugin dev kit
sudo yum install dnf-plugins-core
sudo yum config-manager --set-enabled powertools
sudo yum install gcc-toolset-10-gcc-plugin-devel

I also had to make sure that the deps dir for build2 was in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH when compiling polaris-linux.

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/polaris/deps/gcc-10.3.0/build2/lib
python3 -cb

Building using containers#

If you are on another operating system, you can use the devcontainer specification to quickly spin up a self-contained dev environment using docker containers. The easiest way to use this is to use VS Code and install the remote-containers plugin (NOTE: you will need docker desktop installed). More information can be found in the visual studio documentation.

Then you should be able to open the directory using the “Remote-Containers: Open directory in container” task and it will automatically download a debian or ubuntu base image with an appropriate gcc and a modern cmake. The default is an ubuntu base that matches the image used in CI but it can be tweaked by modifying values in the devcontainer.json file.