Multimodal Routing Parameters#
These parameters are read in in the Routable_Network_Methods.h header file.
Category |
Parameter Name |
Description |
Default |
Data Type |
transferPenalty |
Penalty of making a transfer during a transit journey in seconds |
1020.0 |
float |
waitWeight |
Factor that adjusts the importance of waiting time (for a bus) relative to the objective passage of time, studies show that it is usually higher than 1.0 due to perceived or real uncertainty of transit vehicle arrival, as well as weather, discomfort etc. |
3.00 |
float |
walkWeight |
Factor that adjusts the importance of walking time (to a bus or to destination) relative to the objective passage of time, studies show that it is usually higher than 1.0 due to fatigue, walking conditions, weather etc. |
4.00 |
float |
bikeWeight |
Factor that adjusts the importance of biking time (to a bus or to destination) relative to the objective passage of time, studies show that it is usually higher than 1.0 due to fatigue, biking conditions, weather etc. |
3.00 |
float |
ivtWeight |
Factor that adjusts the importance of in-transit-(bus)-vehicle travel time relative to the objective passage of time, studies show that it is usually 1.0 or less then 1.0, as driving is associated with 1.0 and not having to drive reduces the time penalty |
1.00 |
float |
rail_waitWeight |
Factor that adjusts the importance of waiting time for rail relative to the objective passage of time, studies show that it is usually higher than 1.0 due to perceived or real uncertainty of transit vehicle arrival, as well as weather, discomfort etc. but also lower than waiting for a bus due to better sheltering |
2.00 |
float |
rail_walkWeight |
Factor that adjusts the importance of walking time to a rail station relative to the objective passage of time, studies show that it is usually higher than 1.0 due to fatigue, walking conditions, weather etc. but also lower than walking to a bus as travelers seem to accept the additional discomfort for faster service |
2.66 |
float |
rail_bikeWeight |
Factor that adjusts the importance of biking time to a rail station relative to the objective passage of time, studies show that it is usually higher than 1.0 due to fatigue, biking conditions, weather etc. but also lower than biking to a bus as travelers seem to accept the additional discomfort for faster service |
2.00 |
float |
rail_ivtWeight |
Factor that adjusts the importance in-rail travel time relative to the objective passage of time, studies show that it is usually 1.0 or less then 1.0, as driving is associated with 1.0 and not having to drive reduces the time penalty, and it is also usually lower than bus due to additional comfort |
0.80 |
float |
rail_ivtWeight_ampeak |
Same as rail_ivtWeight and only used if there is additional observation that travelers have a more significant positive bias for real during the AM peak, most likely to avoid the traffic congestion in a car or in a bus |
0.80 |
float |
rail_ivtWeight_pmpeak |
Same as rail_ivtWeight and only used if there is additional observation that travelers have a more significant positive bias for real during the PM peak, most likely to avoid the traffic congestion in a car or in a bus |
0.80 |
float |
standWeight |
Additional discomfort added to ivtWeight or rail_ivtWeight if the passenger is standing, as this would substantially reduce comfort |
0.50 |
float |
capacityAlpha |
Capacity penalty calculation is an exponential function. The penalty itself is in seconds and reflects the additional discomfort due to the crowdedness of a vehicle. See the documentation for more details. Higher value implies very low penalty below the load threshold and very high penalty above the load threshold. Low value linearizes the penalty with respect to the vehicle load |
80.00 |
float |
capacityBeta |
Capacity penalty calculation is an exponential function. The penalty itself is in seconds and reflects the additional discomfort due to the crowdedness of a vehicle. See the documentation for more details. This value determines the relative load threshold. 0.60 implies that if the vehicle becomes 60% full it starts getting really uncomfortable. |
0.60 |
float |
carWeight |
Factor that adjusts the importance of driving time to transit relative to the objective passage of time. A very high value is suggested so that the park-and-ride travelers drive to a nearby station instead of driving all the way through to a train station that is very close to their actual destination. |
15.00 |
float |
tncWeight |
Factor that adjusts the importance of in-TNC-vehicle travel time to transit relative to the objective passage of time. A very high value is suggested so that the TNC-and-ride travelers spend less time in a TNC vehicle and more time in a transit vehicle |
15.00 |
float |
scanThreshold |
The number of total link scans before the routing algorithm terminates |
75000 |
double |
costThreshold |
The generalized cost threshold to termninate the routing algorithm |
28800 |
double |
commuter_rail_costThreshold |
The generalized cost threshold to termninate the routing algorithm if the mode is drive-to-transit or drive-from-transit |
28800 |
double |
waitThreshold |
Maximum non-rail waiting time for a single transit leg |
1800 |
double |
rail_waitThreshold |
Maximum rail waiting time for a single transit leg |
2700 |
double |
walkThreshold |
Maximum total walking distance for the entire route |
2500 |
double |
rail_walkThreshold |
Maximum total walking distance for the entire route if the mode is rail-only |
3750 |
double |
walkSpeed |
Assumed walking speed |
5.0 |
double |
bikeThreshold |
Maximum total biking distance for the entire route |
10000 |
double |
rail_bikeThreshold |
Maximum total biking distance for the entire route if the mode is rail-only |
15000 |
double |
bikeSpeed |
Assumed bikimg speed |
5.0 |
double |
multimodal_dijkstra |
Determines whether *Multimodal Dijkstra Tree* is used for transit heuristics |
true |
bool |