Transit Pass Chooser#
The transit pass choice model is developed at the person level for people over the age of 16. The model is estimated using data from the CMAP Household Travel Survey. The choiceset was created from the data in two steps. First, all the trips made by each person were scanned to identify the number of trips made by transit. Any person who made at least one trip by transit was labeled as a “transit user”. Second, fare information of all the transit trips of the “transit users” were scanned to see if they used any of the following types of passes for any of their transit trips: multiple ride punch ticket, monthly pass or 30-day pass, 7-day pass, 1-day pass, Senior pass, Student pass. Any person who reported at least one transit trip using these passes were coded as “ transit pass user”. A zero inflated binary probit model is applied to estimate the transit pass choice behavior. In stage 1, the zero inflation model determines whether someone is a transit user or not. In the second stage, the binary probit model determines if the transit user uses a transit pass or not for the transit trip.