Analyzing traffic convergence#

On this example we show how to use analyze traffic convergence for different segments of the results


from pathlib import Path

import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from polaris.analyze.path_metrics import PathMetrics
from polaris.analyze.result_kpis import ResultKPIs
from import DataTableCache
from polaris.runs.convergence.convergence_iteration import ConvergenceIteration
from polaris.runs.scenario_compression import ScenarioCompression
from polaris.runs.scenario_utils import get_last_iteration

Data Sources#

Open the demand database for analysis

project_dir = Path("/tmp/Bloomington")
iteration_folder = get_last_iteration(project_dir)
supply_db = ScenarioCompression.maybe_extract(Path(iteration_folder) / "Bloomington-Supply.sqlite")

zones = DataTableCache(supply_db).plotting_layer("Zone")
links = DataTableCache(supply_db).plotting_layer("Link")

Data retrieval#

last_iter = ConvergenceIteration.from_dir(iteration_folder)
kpis = ResultKPIs.from_iteration(last_iter)

Plotting aggregate results#

def chart_metric(df, metric: str, axis=None):

df = kpis.metric_traffic_cumulative_gap()

fig, axis = plt.subplots(2, 2)
all_axis = [axis[0, 0], axis[0, 1], axis[1, 0], axis[1, 1]]
for metric, ax in zip(df.metric.unique(), all_axis):
    df_ = df[df.metric == metric]
    df_ = df_.dropna(axis=1, how="any").sort_values(by="Trip end minute")
    chart_metric(df_, metric, ax)

# Combine all the operations and display

Cummulative charts#

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

cumm_links = gap_per_link.sort_values(by=["absolute_gap"], ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
cumm_links = cumm_links.assign(cummulative_relative_gap=cumm_links.absolute_gap.cumsum())
cumm_links.cummulative_relative_gap /= cumm_links.cummulative_relative_gap.max()

plt.xlabel("link count")

And map them#

    "REFERENCE: And below we map links and zones according to gaps. The maps should look like this, "
    "but will need formatting"
map_zone_config = {
    "version": "v1",
    "config": {
        "visState": {
            "filters": [],
            "layers": [
                    "id": "z0w117",
                    "type": "geojson",
                    "config": {
                        "dataId": "Total gaps",
                        "label": "Total gaps",
                        "color": [34, 63, 154],
                        "highlightColor": [252, 242, 26, 255],
                        "columns": {"geojson": "geometry"},
                        "isVisible": True,
                        "visConfig": {
                            "opacity": 0.8,
                            "strokeOpacity": 0.8,
                            "thickness": 0.1,
                            "strokeColor": [221, 212, 205],
                            "colorRange": {
                                "name": "Uber Viz Diverging 1.5",
                                "type": "diverging",
                                "category": "Uber",
                                "colors": ["#00939C", "#5DBABF", "#BAE1E2", "#F8C0AA", "#DD7755", "#C22E00"],
                            "strokeColorRange": {
                                "name": "Global Warming",
                                "type": "sequential",
                                "category": "Uber",
                                "colors": ["#5A1846", "#900C3F", "#C70039", "#E3611C", "#F1920E", "#FFC300"],
                            "radius": 10,
                            "sizeRange": [0, 10],
                            "radiusRange": [0, 50],
                            "heightRange": [0, 500],
                            "elevationScale": 27.8,
                            "enableElevationZoomFactor": True,
                            "stroked": True,
                            "filled": True,
                            "enable3d": True,
                            "wireframe": False,
                        "hidden": False,
                        "textLabel": [
                                "field": None,
                                "color": [255, 255, 255],
                                "size": 18,
                                "offset": [0, 0],
                                "anchor": "start",
                                "alignment": "center",
                    "visualChannels": {
                        "colorField": {"name": "absolute_gap", "type": "integer"},
                        "colorScale": "quantile",
                        "strokeColorField": None,
                        "strokeColorScale": "quantile",
                        "sizeField": None,
                        "sizeScale": "linear",
                        "heightField": {"name": "relative_gap", "type": "real"},
                        "heightScale": "linear",
                        "radiusField": None,
                        "radiusScale": "linear",
            "interactionConfig": {
                "tooltip": {
                    "fieldsToShow": {
                        "Total gaps": [
                            {"name": "zone", "format": None},
                            {"name": "absolute_gap", "format": None},
                            {"name": "relative_gap", "format": ".1%"},
                    "compareMode": False,
                    "compareType": "absolute",
                    "enabled": True,
                "brush": {"size": 0.5, "enabled": False},
                "geocoder": {"enabled": False},
                "coordinate": {"enabled": False},
            "layerBlending": "normal",
            "splitMaps": [],
            "animationConfig": {"currentTime": None, "speed": 1},
        "mapState": {
            "bearing": 24,
            "dragRotate": True,
            "latitude": map_center[1],
            "longitude": map_center[0],
            "pitch": 50,
            "zoom": 9.096117833833905,
            "isSplit": False,
        "mapStyle": {
            "styleType": "muted",
            "topLayerGroups": {},
            "visibleLayerGroups": {
                "label": True,
                "road": False,
                "border": False,
                "building": True,
                "water": True,
                "land": True,
                "3d building": False,
            "threeDBuildingColor": [224.4071295378559, 224.4071295378559, 224.4071295378559],
            "mapStyles": {},
from keplergl import KeplerGl

map1 = KeplerGl(height=900, data={"Total gaps": plot_zone_layer}, config=map_zone_config)

link_config = {
    "version": "v1",
    "config": {
        "visState": {
            "filters": [],
            "layers": [
                    "id": "xiykhj",
                    "type": "geojson",
                    "config": {
                        "dataId": "Total gaps",
                        "label": "Total gaps",
                        "color": [248, 149, 112],
                        "highlightColor": [252, 242, 26, 255],
                        "columns": {"geojson": "geometry"},
                        "isVisible": True,
                        "visConfig": {
                            "opacity": 0.8,
                            "strokeOpacity": 1,
                            "thickness": 0.5,
                            "strokeColor": None,
                            "colorRange": {
                                "name": "Global Warming",
                                "type": "sequential",
                                "category": "Uber",
                                "colors": ["#5A1846", "#900C3F", "#C70039", "#E3611C", "#F1920E", "#FFC300"],
                            "strokeColorRange": {
                                "name": "Uber Viz Diverging 3.5",
                                "type": "diverging",
                                "category": "Uber",
                                "colors": [
                            "radius": 10,
                            "sizeRange": [0.2, 20],
                            "radiusRange": [0, 50],
                            "heightRange": [0, 500],
                            "elevationScale": 5,
                            "enableElevationZoomFactor": True,
                            "stroked": True,
                            "filled": False,
                            "enable3d": False,
                            "wireframe": False,
                        "hidden": False,
                        "textLabel": [
                                "field": None,
                                "color": [255, 255, 255],
                                "size": 18,
                                "offset": [0, 0],
                                "anchor": "start",
                                "alignment": "center",
                    "visualChannels": {
                        "colorField": None,
                        "colorScale": "quantile",
                        "strokeColorField": {"name": "absolute_gap", "type": "integer"},
                        "strokeColorScale": "quantile",
                        "sizeField": {"name": "absolute_gap", "type": "integer"},
                        "sizeScale": "linear",
                        "heightField": None,
                        "heightScale": "linear",
                        "radiusField": None,
                        "radiusScale": "linear",
            "interactionConfig": {
                "tooltip": {
                    "fieldsToShow": {
                        "Total gaps": [{"name": "link", "format": None}, {"name": "absolute_gap", "format": None}]
                    "compareMode": False,
                    "compareType": "absolute",
                    "enabled": True,
                "brush": {"size": 0.5, "enabled": False},
                "geocoder": {"enabled": False},
                "coordinate": {"enabled": False},
            "layerBlending": "normal",
            "splitMaps": [],
            "animationConfig": {"currentTime": None, "speed": 1},
        "mapState": {
            "bearing": 0,
            "dragRotate": False,
            "latitude": map_center[1],
            "longitude": map_center[0],
            "pitch": 0,
            "zoom": 8.42575627208353,
            "isSplit": False,
        "mapStyle": {
            "styleType": "muted",
            "topLayerGroups": {},
            "visibleLayerGroups": {
                "label": False,
                "road": False,
                "border": False,
                "building": True,
                "water": True,
                "land": True,
                "3d building": False,
            "threeDBuildingColor": [224.4071295378559, 224.4071295378559, 224.4071295378559],
            "mapStyles": {},
from keplergl import KeplerGl

map2 = KeplerGl(height=900, data={"Total gaps": plot_link_layer}, config=link_config)


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