Creating a new model supply#

Creating new models supply files is not a trivial task, so you should not underestimate the time it takes to do it.

This section presents a general guide for creating the supply components for new models. Automated tools are available whenever possible, but substantial manual work is still required.

During the creation of the supply model, you should also refer to the network data model, which is described in detail in Network Data Model.

Zero data alternative#

If you want to create a new model in a completely automated manner, you can refer to an example here: Automated creation of a new model from scratch. Multiple other tables are still required after following that example, but a guide for creating those tables is provided below in the Internal consistency components section.


Even when using automated creation of networks, the user will likely have to use some of the resources listed in the next section of this documentation.

From existing data#

More often than not, transport models are created from components of existing models, particularly networks and zoning systems. For this reason, we go through the process of building supply models one step at a time, where networks and zoning systems are imported from existing data sources.


Polaris has a substantial number of fields that are required for proper model operation, but they are not necessary at the time of the model build. For a full documentation of these fields, please refer to zone table structure.

The most important points to consider when importing zone systems are:

  • zone is The zone ID and a required field

  • area_type: The area type of the zone and a required field, but the user can use the value of 100 as the default value.

  • Geometries are strictly required for Zones.


Adding locations is a quite demanding task, and it is unlikely that you will have that data from other models. If you do, the it is critical to pay attention to the land_use field, which is intimately tied to the inner workings of Polaris. Please refer to the documentation of location table structure for acceptable values for this field.

Also remember that the Land_Use table will have to be populated with the adequate data before adding locations to the Supply file. See land use table structure for documentation on that table.

If you have no data for locations, you can follow the example in Automated creation of a new model from scratch on how to create these locations automatically. Documentation on the API is below.

from import Network
net = Network.from_file(path/to/supply-model.sqlite, run_consistency=False)

# We need control totals for each non-residential land use type for each location
# The Polaris development team currently maintains control totals for the US at census tract level
# A census API key is required to download control totals for residential locations

control_totals = gpd.read_file(rootdir / "control_totals.parquet")



The Parking table is detailed on parking table structure in case you have data to add to it manually. If you don’t have data, you can follow the example in Automated creation of a new model from scratch on how to create these facilities automatically.


Filling this table is not required, as it will be populated with a parking per location by default when the Location_Parking table is filled if not suitable parking facility is found.

Below there is an example for the API use.

from import Network
net = Network.from_file(path/to/supply-model.sqlite, run_consistency=False)

# We add location facilities from Open-Street Maps
# The default OSM parking tags downloaded are ("surface", "underground", "multi-storey", "rooftop")
control_totals = gpd.read_file(rootdir / "control_totals.parquet")

EV Chargers#

It is likely that you also don’t have data on EV chargers to add to the model. In that case, you can resort to the automatic data shown in Automated creation of a new model from scratch and in the code excerpt below.

If adding EV chargers manually, please refer to the table’s documentation at ev charging stations table structure.

from import Network
net = Network.from_file(path/to/supply-model.sqlite, run_consistency=False)

# Polaris-Studio has an heuristic to cluster EV chargers into single stations whenever they are
# too close to each other.  The default parameters are 5 clustering attempts and a maximum distance
# of 50 meters between chargers. An API key from NREL is required to download the data.

net.populate.add_ev_chargers(os.environ.get("EV_API_KEY"), max_dist=50, clustering_attempts=5)

The Documentation of the supply populator class is below.


Transit systems are not mandatory for Polaris to work.

Adding Public transport data to a Polaris Supply model can be done by importing GTFS zipped files, and multiple options are available to customize the results of the importing process. Among these customizations are:

  • Map-match the transit routes onto the roadway network. This is only relevant when simulating bus in traffic or when results need to be mapping precisely

  • Correcting schedules to ensure that time between consecutive stops don’t imply unrealistic speeds

  • Importing the route shapes as included in the GTFS feed (a.k.a. raw shapes)

A lengthy description of the mechanics of the GTFS importer and all its options are all available the Public Transport section of this documentation

Programmatically adding public transport routes is also possible, and is described in an example at Editing Public Transport Route System.


Micro-mobility systems are not mandatory for Polaris to work, and there are no automated tools for collecting data on these systems. The user is encouraged to look into the documentation for the two tables required for this data: micromobility docks table structure and micromobility agencies table structure.

Internal consistency components#

There are multiple tables in the Supply database that do not depend on external data, but which are still required by Polaris. Polaris-Studio has a set of tools to build these tables, but the user is required to execute these procedures manually. Polaris is great, but it can’t read its users minds (yet) to realize they are done with external data inputs.

Transit_Walk and Transit_bike#

Active transport networks (walk and bike) are represented in separate tables in the supply database, but are currently exactly the same, as no Polaris model included walk-only or bike-only links. Polaris-Studio has a tool to build these tables that is accessible from both the QGIS plugin and from Python, which is exemplified below.

from import Network
net = Network.from_file(path/to/supply-model.sqlite, run_consistency=False)
active =

# We can set a maximum length for walk links if we would like. This would break links longer than this
# active.set_max_link_dist(200)


Walking & Biking network building class

County Skims#

The County_Skims table consists of a distance skim between all counties in the US, and is only required by the freight model. This table can be populated by copying its contents from existing Polaris supply models. Documentation for this table is available at county skims table structure.


The Connections table is a strict requirement of Polaris, as links are not considered connected if there are no turns listed on this table. Intersection control is not mandatory to exist, as Polaris defaults to 4-way stops, but it is recommended that you are appropriate signal and stop information, which is codified on a series of tables, documentated on signal table structure and sign table structure.

Adding connections to the supply model is fairly simple, as there is a tool for such, which is exemplified below. When setting signals to “osm”, the tool will retrieve traffic light location information from OpenStreet-Maps, and setting signs to [] tells the software to put stop signs on each intersection after analysing potential rights of way to decide if those stop signs should be of the 4-way or 2-way kind.

from import Network
net = Network.from_file(path/to/supply-model.sqlite, run_consistency=False)
tools =
tools.rebuild_intersections(signals="osm", signs=[])

More detailed documentation on the traffic components can be found at Traffic elements


The Location_Parking table is strictly required by Polaris, and specifies the parking location to be used for accessing each specific Location. The user must provide a maximum distance for parking facilities to be considered.


In the event a Parking facility within the acceptable distance is not found found, a new parking facility dedicated to the specific Location will be added to the Parking table and a record linking that parking facility to the location will be added to the Location_Parking table.

from import Network
net = Network.from_file(path/to/supply-model.sqlite, run_consistency=False)
tools =



Tools for general manipulation of the network